Will you join us in the fight against malaria?
Watch interviews with, among others, Arnoud Aalbersberg (Chief Mosquito Officer) and various partners and stakeholders. Read success stories from the local population or videos in which we take you along during our outreaches and the production process of the printed, impregnated mosquito nets.

Malaria and mosquitos
Malaria can be transmitted by the bite of a female mosquito. This mosquito is active between sunset and sunrise. Malaria is caused by a bite of a mosquito infected with the Plasmodium parasite.

Buy One, Give One program
Since some of our products can actually save lives, we would like to do so. 1% of every Care Plus® product sold goes to this higher goal of making the world malaria-free by 2030.

Our partners
Uganda is one of the 10 countries where Malaria is still a major problem. That is why Care Plus® has started local activities here to protect the local population. For example, by distributing impregnated nets.