Malaria Impact Reports
The start
In 1999 Arnoud Aalbersberg, Chief Mosquito Officer and co-founder Travel Health Group) was driving on the highway in the Netherlands. A billboard caught his attention. It said “Drive Against Malaria” by MEMISA (a Dutch NGO, now called Cordaid). The image showed a Land Rover with mosquito nets on the roof. It struck Arnoud that he wanted to do something with Drive Against Malaria. Not only protect travelers against health risks. Globally, an estimated 1.7 billion malaria cases and 10.6 million malaria deaths were averted in the period 2000–2020
(source WHO WMR 2021).
View all our Malaria Impact Reports:
Something needed to be done!
Arnoud contacted MEMISA and we became the main sponsor of this unique project.
•African Region | • South East Asian Region | • Eastern Mediterranean Region | • Western Pacific Region | • Region of the Americas
Source: WHO
We allocate approximately 1% of our revenue to our big goal: #malariafree2030. Besides nets, we support the production and publication of the weekly newsletter MalariaWorld in collaboration with the Dutch Malaria Foundation, to more than 11.000 malaria professionals in more than 140 countries.
We are proud to present our Malaria Impact Reports to you. This is why we get out of bed every morning at Travel Health Group, this is what makes us tick. This is how you can contribute too, by working with Care Plus® and Moustifluid® .
Arnoud Aalbersberg
Chief Mosquito Officer