Applicable science support for Wageningen University by sponsoring mosquito traps for research on Rusinga Island, Kenya.
The weekly newsletter now has up to > 9.000 malaria professionals

The Dutch Malaria Foundation
Arnoud was co-founder of the Dutch Malaria Foundation. The Dutch Malaria Foundation is a charitable organization that supports innovative ways to fight malaria and makes existing knowledge and information about fighting malaria available to stakeholders all over the world. In 2020 The Dutch Malaria Foundation facilitated donations for distribution of our nets in Uganda. If you want to make a donation to support the distribution of more nets, please visit the Dutch Malaria Foundation.
The People

Ingeborg van Schayk

Bart Knols PHD MBA
Chairman of the Board

Frido Herinckx
Secretary of the Board

Marco Willemars
Treasurer of the Board

Fredros Okumu PHD
Advisory Board

Julia Royall
Advisory Board

Arnoud Aalbersberg
The Netherlands
Advisory Board
Since 2009 we have supported numerous initiatives to distribute nets and provide aid where needed. The most striking outreach was our social media experiment on Twitter:
- Outreach to TV personality Nicolette van Dam to retweet our tweet that we needed transport for the 10.000 nets we wanted to donate to victims of the flood in Pakistan.
- Other TV personality Ali B offered his connection to a Dutch DHL director.
- DHL picked up the goods for free and delivered them to Save the Children Pakistan.
- 10.000 nets for Pakistan flooding
Numerous small donations to initiatives aiding our big goal.
“Between 2010 and 2020 Travel Health Group supported numerous projects and initiatives varying from local initiatives to collect medical supplies and mosquito nets for Sub-tropical malaria endemic areas to financial support of nation wide campaigns.”